
Biniyam Wahima

CSE Student

Back End Developer, Web Developer, CSE Student


About Me

Web Developer & Computer Science Student

As a proactive third-year student pursuing a Bachelor's in Computer Science Engineering in India, I'm on a journey that seamlessly blends my international perspective with a dynamic skill set. Proficient in backend development using Django and WordPress, I craft user-centric web solutions. My skills in JavaScript, HTML, and CSS enhance this, enabling me to create engaging web experiences that seamlessly integrate functionality and design. Recently, I've ventured into the transformative world of machine learning. With a passion for AI and data science, I'm diving into projects that merge traditional programming with cutting-edge algorithms to address real-world challenges. My international background fuels my drive to collaborate with diverse teams and contribute innovatively. With a commitment to continuous growth and learning, I eagerly embrace new challenges, leverage emerging technologies, and strive to impact the future of tech positively.

Name: Biniyam Daniel Wahima
Nationality: Ethiopian
Degree: Bachelor(2021-Present)
Phone: +917 801 825 084
Address: Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India


Education & Experience

My Education

Bachelor In Computer Science and Engineering

Pandit Deendayal Energy University, Gujarat, India | 2021 - present

CGPA | 9.18/10

Expected Graduation | June/2025

  • Data Structures

  • Design and Analysis of Algorithm

  • Object Oriented Programming with Java

  • Microprocessor Programming and Interfacing

  • Digital Electronics and Computer Oraganization

  • Discrete Mathematical Structures

  • Database Managament System

  • Design Pattern with Java

  • Operating System

  • Theory of Computation

Work Experience

Software Developer Intern and Author

OpenGenus IQ, Remote | 06/2023 - present

Key Responsibilities
  • Wrote several articles exploring various software topics, including data structures and web development.

  • Actively contributed to the development of various projects, gaining hands-on experience with programming languages, frameworks, and tools.

  • I collaborated with a team of skilled professionals, participating in the entire software development life cycle from requirements gathering to deployment

  • Link to my profile: iq.opengenus.org/author/biniyam/
Teaching Assistant

AddisCoder, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | 07/2022 - 08/2022

Key Responsibilities
  • Worked closely with the instructor to deliver lectures, facilitate discussions, and provide clarification on course materials collaborating with esteemed professors and programmers from top-tier institutions.

  • Led lab sessions, where I guided students through handson exercises and practical assignments.


My Personal Projects

Link to the project: quickbit.pythnanywhere.com
Link to the project: infitech.pythonanywhere.com


My Skills

C Language
Data Structures


My Services

Web Design

I can design web pages based on your preferences using HTML, CSS and Javascript

Web Development

I can build from easy to medium web-application using WordPress or Django as back end

Apps Design

Can give tutorial or guidlines for web-development


Contact Me